LOL Do girls still read blog captions anymore? Or is that so last year? I'm still going to write them, so if you're reading this, here is everything you need for your bachelorette party hangover kits.

Do you want to put “survived a bachelorette party without dying” on your resume? You are exactly where you need to be, bestie. I knew you wanted to know how to survive a bachelorette party!
We all know that we need hangover kits, but I feel like sometimes they can get turned into this complicated thing. I must admit that everything I’m gonna share is pretty basic stuff for hangover kits, and I promise it’s going to make your bachelorette party go much smoother.
Brides, MOHs, and anyone else planning or going to a bachelorette party, here it is besties, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: Everything you need to survive your bachelorette party. Just to be clear…..we’re all going to bachelorette parties that includes many late nights, right?
Bachelorette Party
1. Liquid IV
Starting out super basic but strong! Just want to give a shout out to this classic bachelorette party necessity. Thank you for always saving us after a night of fun.
If you don’t already know, liquid IV is basically all you need at the bachelorette party. It’s perfect for those time when you’re not feeling a hangover. Best post-drinking pick me up!
2. Spa Headband
I’m like really into spa nights during a bachelorette party, so I would definitely bring spa headbands with no regrets.
3. Advil
Hangover headache? Nothing a cute package of Advil can’t fix! It’s true magic in a packet! (If it rhymes, it must be true.)
Advil will be your best friend during a bachelorette party (but you already knew that!).
I seriously think that Advil is the most underrated bachelorette party essential literally ever because there really isn’t a better way to get rid of hangover headaches.
4. Compact Mirror
Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want this?
I always love looking fabulous, and so do you! No but you’re actually so freaking pretty!
A compact mirror is actually a necessity, and it’s honestly something that should be with you at all times.
5. Scrunchies
Real question: Scrunchies or claw clips? If you don’t ask, you won’t know!
IMO, every girl needs a good hair tie at a bachelorette party, and scrunchies are my favorite.
I love scrunchies because they don’t give me headaches (we’ll have enough of those) after wearing them for a long time. You will love that that they’re super cute yet gentle on your hair too!
6. Claw Clips
I’m a scrunchies fan for sure, but I’m also a claw clips fan.
Claw clips are seriously the most PERFECT hair accessory for those times when you don’t want to use scrunchies.
7. Sunscreen
Where’s your favorite place to hang out with your besties during a bachelorette trip? Mine just might be in the pool or at the beach!
We aren’t getting any younger, so we NEED sunscreen because it has incredible anti-aging benefits. Sunscreen is one of the things that we’ll never stop getting excited about as we get older!
8. Therabreath
Therabreath is famous for making really good mouth wash. And yes, this mouth wash really is THAT good, babes!
If you’re wondering if you need to bring Therabreath, the answer is obviously yes. We don’t do bad breath (after a night of drinking) at our bachelorette parties.
9. TicTacks
Can you ever go wrong with your breath smelling fresh? I mean, I don’t think so!
IMO, tic tacs never disappoints!
10. Ring Pops
Ring pops are what bachelorette party dreams are made of, I said it.
But really, a bachelorette party without ring pops is a bachelorette party that I don’t want to have.
Which color ring pop is your fav? Green, blue, red, or yellow? These colors make my heart skip a beat. There are also a few other gorgeous colors if those ones aren’t your thing.
11. Tampons
I’m not going to lie, getting your period during a bachelorette party just sounds criminal. Are you unlucky like me? You’re def getting your period at this bachelorette party.
Tampons and deep breathing will fix everything, ladies!
12. Pads
If you’re not always about tampons (please tell me it’s not just me!), then I definitely suggest you bring pads.
13. Face Masks
Let me scream this from the rooftops: You CANNOT do a bachelorette party without facemasks. (Not being dramatic at all lol!)
But really, whenever you go to a bachelorette party, you must bring facemasks. It’s really not up for discussion. I’m sorry I’m this way.
We basically need them because with all of the sweet treats at a bachelorette party, our skin FREAKS out! Lol
14. Emergen-C
When going to a bachelorette party, always always...I mean always bring Emergen-C. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life or anything, but yeah, you really need Emergen-C.
The thing is that Emergen-C can be a bachelorette party hero! If you take it before or after a night of drinking, you can avoid a nasty hangover.
15. Makeup Remover Wipes
K besties, don’t leave me hanging. If you often feel so lazy removing your makeup after a night of drinking, please introduce yourselves in the comments.
I definitely think you definitely 🙂 need makeup remover wipes if your idea of the perfect bachelorette party includes late nights out.
16. Shout Wipes
I’m sure a lot of you would agree that NOT getting makeup stains on your shirt while putting makeup on is basically an extreme sport. How is this so relatable, though?
I honestly had my doubts about shout wipes. I really didn’t expect them to get rid of makeup stains basically instantly, but they proved me wrong, guys!
Shout out wipes for the win because we’re all just a freaking mess.
17. Gum
Gorgeous gorgeous girls always bring gum because gorgeous gorgeous girls know there’s nothing worse than bad breath at a bachelorette party.
18. Non Drowsy Dramamine
Save this one, y’all, ‘cause it’s literally the easiest way to get rid of nausea AND a hangover.
19. Silk Sleeping Masks
Raise your hand if you think silk sleeping masks are prettier than me (I am raising my hand for sure)! Haha, jk. But honestly, look how beautiful! DYING (not literally, ha!) at how gorgeous silk sleeping masks are.
Okay, real talk: If someone brought silk sleeping masks on the bachelorette trip, I guarantee that there won’t be any girl drama because everyone will always get her beauty sleep.
20. Nail File
Nothing ruins a bachelorette party more than chipped nails, so I want you to bring a nail file knowing dam well you probably won’t use it but just in case.
21. Band-Aides
It may seem odd to bring band-aides, but TRUST ME, I try to imagine a bachelorette party without band-aides, and I really can’t.
I really think you need to have band-aides at a bachelorette party. I say “you,” but we all know we’re talking about your clumsy friend. (lol I'm always the clumsiest one of the bunch! )
22. Mini Shot Bottle
If you ask me (and basically every girl), girls just want to have fun during a bachelorette party, so obviously you have to bring mini shot bottles. Bye bye bride and bridesmaid stress!
Seriously though, what would you guys do without mini shot bottles? The party would be more boring, that’s for sure. I said a lot of right things and a lot of right things! 🙂
23. Mini Champagne Bottle
Mini champagne bottles at a bachelorette party? Don’t mind if we do.
Let’s be real: Every bachelorette party begins with a bottle of champagne, and it’s not a true bachelorette if it doesn’t!
You can never have enough champagne, so why not get a big bottle too? It is a bachelorette P-A-R-T-Y, after all!
Comment below if your bachelorette party involves mini or BIG bottles of champagne! Just keep in mind that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to champagne 🙂
24. Heart Sunglasses
Regular sunglasses are good of course, but heart sunglasses will win the hearts of your besties. (See what I did there?)
But actually, if I was throwing a bachelorette party, I would make it mandatory for everyone to wear heart sunglasses…..jk…but something about NOT wearing heart sunglasses at a bachelorette party seems very wrong to me.
Trust me, every girl wearing heart sunglasses is a bachelorette party experience that you can’t miss! Because those photos will be amazinggg (insert sunglass eyes emoji)!
25. Snacks
I don’t know about your bachelorette party, but the ones I have been to consist of snacks, snacks, and more snacks. I mean going to a bachelorette party basically means that packing snacks is somewhat of a requirement.
Snacks seriously hit different after a late night out, after a long day at the pool, or literally whenever!
Have you seen the personalized snacks? Seriously LOVE the idea of snacks with a photo of the bride! What snacks are you bringing?
26. Energy Drinks
Behind every bride or bridesmaid is an energy drink? Say less!
Energy drinks are my go-to for those times when I need an extra boost of afternoon (or morning) energy.
Energy drinks may have us doing too much but that’s not going to stop us from drinking them after bachelorette party games. Oh am I the only one who thinks that playing bachelorette party games is like watching paint dry? Don't hate me!
27. Alka Seltzer
Is it really a bachelorette party if you’re not experiencing hangover symptoms?
How to make hangover symptoms better: Alka Selzer.
Alka Selzer is beyond necessary after a night of drinking.
28. Wine Tumbler
When you and your besties are at a bachelorette party, I want you guys to be living the best life.
Wine tumblers make you want to fill them up with some good wine, hang out with your besties, and have a blast. LIFEGOALS!
I’m just going to say the obvious, but wine tumblers are basically women versions of sippy cups, and a bachelorette party really wouldn’t be complete without them.
The grip that a wine tumbler will have on you will be unmatched because it literally keeps your wine cold for hours.
29. Condoms
Calling all of my single besties! Who’s down to find love at a bachelorette party?
We’re definitely bringing condoms and having zero regrets about it. Cheers to being single at a bachelorette party!
30. Personalized Water Bottle
We all know that we have to stay hydrated at a bachelorette party, but did you know that water taste 10000X better in a cute, personalized water bottle? Seriously!
Your besties will love these personalized water bottles so much that they will walk around the hotel or Airbnb taking photos with them because CUTE. Can you blame them though?
31. Deodorant Wipes
Okay, I’m giving away the secret to always smelling good on a bachelorette trip: Deodorant wipes! Don’t worry! You can let the secret out.
You guys, deodorant wipes are seriously one of those game changer products.
32. Travel Sized Perfume
Am I the only one who doesn’t think to bring travel size perfume when I travel?
If you bring travel sized perfume on a bachelorette trip, well…my goals are to be like you!
33. Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer? Oh, yes, please! lol
There’s nothing glamorous at all about hand sanitizer, but it’s definitely a must have for any bachelorette party.
34. Tums
Just in case you need a reminder: KEEP GOING. You got this (Totally talking about you continuing to read these bachelorette party essentials)
Every girl and her momma needs to have tums at a bachelorette party! I’m not saying moms need to come to a bachelorette party, but hey, you know what? They can if you want them to!
35. Eye Masks
I have a slight (emphasis on the slight) obsession with eye masks.
I seriously swear by eye masks for my annoying dark circles, and you may be wondering what dark circles? Exactly!
If you don’t want dark circles during a bachelorette party, get eye masks asap!
36. Chap Stick
If the bachelorette party was on a deserted island, and you were forced to bring just one beauty item, would you choose chap stick?
I mean, a bachelorette party is definitely better with chap stick. Your lips will love you, especially if the bachelorette party is located in a dry, hot climate.
37. Dry Shampoo
I wish I didn’t bring dry shampoo to a bachelorette party…said no girl ever.
If you don’t feel like washing your hair every day (spoiler alert: you won’t), dry shampoo will literally save you!
38. Handwritten Note
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked by readers “how do I make a bachelorette party survival kit special?”
I’m sorry but a handwritten note is just so cute and thoughtful, and it will elevate your bachelorette party survival kits from basic to well….I’m not crying YOU’RE crying.
If you already thought to include a handwritten note, I just know you have the sweetest soul.
39. Party Bags
The only thing missing from this bachelorette party survival guide are the bags. There’s literally thousands of great ones to choose from.